Tuesday, January 29, 2013


Notes of encouragement

I recently thought to myself how encouraged I feel when any of my academic coaches write me notes of encouragement at school. I have most recently thought to myself that I want to create a wall of encouragement in my “future” office” office, I say future because I do not have an office but one day I will and I plan on having a wall of encouragement to encourage me and give me food for thought when I most need it. We should all have a wall full of encouraging words and aspiration in our minds, brains and souls and in our home.

Time for Yourself

Time for Yourself
This year I have been blessed with a job that has stretched my thinking and challenged my teaching. I have found it imperative to take time for myself and meditate. I have recently started working out intensely because it helps me distress a lot faster. I also started taking more time for myself and making sure I get enough sleep so I can perform my best at work. I have found that dedicating time for myself and my love (my family, boyfriend, friends and coffee) helps me stay sane and allows me to enjoy the quiet moments in life. I am treating my body and soul to rejuvenation and enjoying the beautiful things in life! What are you doing to treat your body, soul and mind?

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Life Goals


My boyfriend will turn 30 very soon and in a recent conversation with him I asked him about his goals and how they have changed in the last 10 year? I wanted to get his perspective on his achievements. The conversation led to some very interesting things that have changed in his life and the differences in his career. The conversation made me think about goal setting. Do we set goals in our life because we need to feel a control over our lives and destiny? Trust me I have many goals in life and am proud to say I have academically achieved many of my goals. In my personal life I believe God has changed my path in many ways. Economically I am still working on some goals and some of my goals have changed. None of us can change life and the things that happen to us even if those things can change our life and goals. So do we set goals to be able to find our path in life and try to control it or is goal setting a way to list the many things we want to achieve in life? Do our shape us or does life shape our goals?

Monday, July 23, 2012


Leaving the Nest

When I moved away from home to go to college I was very excited. At the young age of 18 I was ready to conquer the world. It wasn’t until my first set of exams and getting sick that I started missing home. After that first year of college I grew to appreciate my parents, my home and my space. I realized parents sacrifice so much and do so much for their children. I was able to mature and grow to love the place I called home. I see so many young kids ready to leave the nest and I am a strong believer every child should leave their home and grow to appreciate their parents and their home. Leaving the nest allows us to mature and grow into responsible adults. What are your thoughts about leaving the nest?

Tuesday, July 3, 2012


Reflection of You

I recently heard an explaination to the reason why we as people are bothered by the comments people around us make. Have you ever found yourself bothered by something someone  else says?  It can be something as simple as someone showing off his/her new shoes on Facebook. Or  maybe showing off the hotel they are staying in for his/her vacation. We are bothered by people’s comments because those comments reflect something within us that causes  an insecurity. I tested this on myself and found that the comments that bother me the most had to do with my insecurities. So next time you find yourself complaining about how someone’s comments annoy you take a moment to think of why?

Family Love


I attended my cousins wedding two months ago and I learned an important lesson. As I got to spend a whole weekend with my family from Texas I had a chance to observe my family in action. As the weekends celebrations came to an end I observed as my family hugged, kissed and enjoyed each other’s presence. I learned Family can be tough, problematic and even annoying but at the end of the day family is love. Each family is unique  and we are a unique part of our family. In many ways we are a reflection of the love, tradition and  experiences with our families. We should appreciate the special celebrations in our families and enjoy the time God gives us with them. What is your favorite memory with your family?

Friday, April 27, 2012


Falling Love

Fall in love with the details in your life. I recently heard a writer mention this; I thought it was such a great inspiration for writers. The writer was encouraging every person to look into their lives and find the details that make each persons life unique. I think all of us have so many stories, observations and adventures. Find the details in your life that bring a smile to your face. Focus on the parts of your life you are in love with . What are the details in your life you are in love with?