Friday, April 27, 2012


Falling Love

Fall in love with the details in your life. I recently heard a writer mention this; I thought it was such a great inspiration for writers. The writer was encouraging every person to look into their lives and find the details that make each persons life unique. I think all of us have so many stories, observations and adventures. Find the details in your life that bring a smile to your face. Focus on the parts of your life you are in love with . What are the details in your life you are in love with?

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Artist Dates

Artists Date

I just started doing a creative artist exercise where you choose a place to go to. You go alone and you just allow your thoughts to flow.  The date is called artist date and it allows your creative thoughts to surface. The goal is to not allow things to distract you and so the exercise must be done along. It can be very hard to go somewhere alone but sometimes people can be a distraction; kind of like a road block and can block our creative thoughts.  This Artist date should be practiced once a week. Many of use do something similar and we consider it “alone time” but in your artist date you don’t have to do a specific task just go somewhere and take a walk. On my 1st artist date I visited the coffee shop and people watched for an hour. I found myself wanting to use some of the conversations I overheard in this blog. I challenge you all to practice an Artist Date.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Morning Inspiration

Morning Papers

I am currently taking a Creative Writing class and I was very inspired by the reading I was assigned. The author of the book I am reading believes in giving students spiritual inspiration. She explains that every person should have morning papers. In the morning papers; a person should write three pages of whatever thought they have in the morning. This exercise can help you categorize your thoughts and help people organize their dreams, thoughts and goals. I believe we should all use this strategy to write down our dreams, thoughts, goals and inspiration. Write whatever comes to mind and it helps your creativity arise. So go ahead and write your morning papers.